Uncertainty continues over tour to SA

Written By Unknown on Senin, 14 Oktober 2013 | 22.58

NEW DELHI: Uncertainty over India's proposed tour of South Africa later this year continued with both the boards yet to find an agreement on the schedule.

BCCI president N Srinivasan had a meeting with his Cricket South Africa counterpart Chris Nenzani in Mumbai on Saturday on the tricky issue but it did not yield any conclusive result on the itinerary of India's tour.

According to sources, the CSA chief was to get back to the Indian board after consulting his colleagues at home and he has not done yet, raising speculation that there were still some issues that have remained unresolved.

Srinivasan and Patel had a lengthy discussion with Nenzani and CSA independent director Norman Arendse on the schedule and duration of the tour although nothing has been finalised.

CSA had initially announced an itinerary that had three Tests, seven ODIs and two T20 Internationals which BCCI immediately shot down accusing the home board of taking decisions unilaterally.

BCCI's reservations for CSA's chief executive Haroon Lorgat is also believed to be a reason for this decision.

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Uncertainty continues over tour to SA

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